Sunday, September 14, 2008

We are Back........Boys.

Guys,so sorry the blog has to be change again,due to technical factors.
Wordpress is a bit complicated and time consuming to handle.
I am rather used to blogspot format.

It is much more user friendly and with lots of extra.
Thus I have to import all the previous article from word press.
I'm sorry,some of the previous commet made could not be retrive,thus been delete for ever.

You would notice, all the posting are published today.
In matter of fact I could nor retrive the actual date of the article.
It was publish ranging from March 2007 till date.
However,you could read the comment made and retrive the actual date of the article at the site but it will remain domain and inactive.

Further,the name Berita Dari Kawan is more appropriate and enviromental friendly.

At least it hopes to keeps us a fresh with news updates and keeps our bondage built over the years intact.

Happy Reading and Selamat Berpuasa.

Class Monitor

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