Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Patrotic Unsung Hero Friend -KM Mohd Yackob

KM Mohd Yackob (MHS CLASS OF 1972-1976)

We celebrate,yes we celebrate the Merdeka Day with all the pomp-pomp.Normally,in Malacca during our schooling days the morning with all the marching Band at the old used to be 'Padang Palawan' but now its 'Padang Jutawan.'

Pengsan beb...panas terik with the heavy boot if you are a Cadet Corp but to some boys thats the day to know some MGHS chicks with their purple baju kurong.

Now,this is how my dear friend KM Mohd Yackob shows and spent his own money to shows the real meaning of partiotism,by painting his family home roof top at Kg.Morten with the 'Jalor Gemilang' and The Melaka flag.

Show some respect boys to this budding sailor of mind.5 time round the world and all the mix varities spicies of Allah he has meet.That the way to go KM,down to earth and humble guy.12 years a sailor with MISC and now back home with family and kids.

Was with him this afternoon showing his master craft.

Way to go KM......TERUS............KM.....TERUS..........

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